Cultivate Continuous Growth
Prioritize Regular Assessments and Adjustments
Leverage the Compound Interest of Emotional Investments
Proactive Investment Strategies
Diversification for Stability
Risk Management and Recovery
Embracing Change Together
Balancing Individuality and Unity
Investing in Resilience
Understanding Vulnerabilities
Strengthening Connection
Establishing Boundaries and Trust
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for ALL 4 Classes Save $29!
Cultivate Continuous Growth
Prioritize Regular Assessments and Adjustments
Leverage the Compound Interest of Emotional Investments
Proactive Investment Strategies
Diversification for Stability
Risk Management and Recovery
Embracing Change Together
Balancing Individuality and Unity
Investing in Resilience
Understanding Vulnerabilities
Strengthening Connection
Establishing Boundaries and Trust
If you're a couple seeking to strengthen your marriage using innovative approaches, and you're interested in learning how business principles can enhance your relationship, our marriage enrichment masterclass series is perfect for you.(You also do not need to be married to attend)
You're eager to discover key strategies that successful businesses use, such as effective communication, teamwork, and goal-setting, and apply them to build a more fulfilling and harmonious marriage.
You want to be part of a unique community that values both personal and professional growth, where applying business acumen to marriage leads to transformative results in both love and life.
You're ready to invest in your relationship's future, seeking not just temporary fixes but sustainable growth and joy in your marriage, mirroring the success and longevity of the world's leading businesses.
Over the years they have battled through infidelity, loss of life, life threatening illnesses, and financial hardship, and are still standing, TOGETHER, stronger than ever!Shirley is a Licensed Social Worker and a John Maxwell certified life coach. Shannon is a retired nurse, and a professional audio engineer, and is certified to facilitate the DISC Model of Human Behavior personality assessment. Together they utilize an approach that causes the participants to evaluate themselves first when seeking to enrich and grow their marriage experience.